Our History


Vanguard Evangelism was founded in 2003 (originally Lusk World Outreach) by Michael and Christina Lusk. From their earliest beginnings in evangelism across Argentina, the Lusk’s and their team shifted their operations to a global focus in 2008. Vanguard Evangelism rapidly expanded its scope and has now advanced the message of Jesus Christ and multiplied hundreds of evangelists in over twenty nations on five continents.


Our Founders


Michael and Christina Lusk

Michael Lusk is the founder of Vanguard Evangelism. He is an international evangelist who has ministered in open-air evangelism festivals and evangelism conferences around the world in over 20 nations. He went on his first mission - to China - at age twelve, in response to a divine mandate from the Holy Spirit. Shortly after his marriage to Christina, they moved to Argentina, where they preached the Gospel in cities across that nation for five years. 

Michael has proclaimed the Good News while Jesus confirms with miracles in North, Central, and South America, Africa, and Asia. He is motivated by a strong calling, not only to proclaim the message of Jesus Christ, but to multiply other evangelists on the vanguard of the Great Commission. 

His passion is to proclaim the message of Jesus Christ, and to encourage, empower, and equip national evangelists around the world. He is the author of several books on missions and evangelism. He lives near Dallas, Texas.

When Christina and I founded Lusk World Outreach (now Vanguard) almost twenty years ago, we launched into Argentina. Our passion was the same then as it is today: to lead as many people as we could to Jesus Christ. Things started small, but we always knew that what God was calling us to do was bigger than us. 

In my constant travels - especially in the developing world - evangelists began to approach me. They saw the simple way we present the Gospel, and how Jesus consistently backs that message with miracles. They were eager to learn our proven methods. A passion began to grow inside me to help those evangelists to reach their fullest potential. 

A striking vision was born:  to not only proclaim the message of Jesus, but to multiply it through the proclamation ministries of the evangelists we serve. 

As we proclaim Jesus around the world, we see brave evangelists advancing the Good News of the Kingdom in un-evangelized areas where satan has gone unchallenged for generations. There, they preach Jesus, cast out demons, heal the sick, make disciples, and plant new churches where none were before. These evangelists are truly on the vanguard of the Great Commission.

The dictionary defines ‘vanguard’ as:

1. a group of people leading the way in new developments or ideas 

2. a position at the forefront of new developments or ideas

3. the foremost part of an advancing force

Personally, I love all three! They describe precisely why we exist:  

- to proclaim the message of Jesus Christ and

- to multiply evangelists on the vanguard of the Great Commission.

In 2020, we have plans to train 500+ evangelists in our face-to-face evangelists summits, and to supply 100+ of our Vanguard member evangelists with portable PAs. 

Our task is not to advance world evangelization - it is to complete it. We envision a world where everyone hears the good news about Jesus Christ. Vanguard is only able to accomplish our part because of our partners.

- Evangelist Michael Lusk


our regional leadership

Rev. Isaac Clossou.png

Rev. Isaac Clossou

Vanguard Director - Francophone Africa


Rev. Elvin Cerna

Vanguard Director -
Latin America


Rev. Axe Freeman

Vanguard Director - Liberia


Board of Directors:

  • Michael Lusk / Founder & President / Vanguard Evangelism

  • Christina Lusk / Founder & Vice-President / Vanguard Evangelism

  • Paul Cox / Treasurer / Cox Real Estate

  • Ranse Moore / Board Director / Faith Outreach

  • Michael Williams / Secretary / International Outreach Church

Advisory Council:  

  • Karl Barancik / Legacy Communications / New Pt. Richey, FL

  • Mike Brown / Strength & Wisdom / Branson, MO

  • Loren Burrell / Lakewood Ranch, FL

  • Charlie Milbrodt /  Living Word / Chiang Mai, Thailand

  • Jameson Titus / Christ for India / Rockwall, TX